Wednesday, February 3, 2010

One person I really want to get it right with Now.

-I've been letting go chances to talk to girls I like.
-I've crushed on a few girls before but i had no guts to ask them out or even talk to them.
-Now they all have their own as well as attached.
-Luckily we can still be friends.

One way to get out of this problem
-For 17 years, I've been wanting to be attached but ended up not attached.
-So the best way is to let go of everything and be happy.
-And I'll never have too high hopes to get a girl.

Recently i met this girl from my sch.
I don't know how to explain it
But She's the one I really want to get it right with now.
I'll try but won't put high hopes.

1 comment:

Tan Xuan Ming said...

Mission Failed
By xuan ming(owner of this blog)